historicum.net Editorial Abonnement Archiv Richtlinien Impressum
2 (2003), Nr. 2: Inhalt



Klaus Graf: Wissenschaftliches E-Publizieren mit 'Open Access' - Initiativen und Widerstände, in: zeitenblicke 2 (2003), Nr. 2.

In the sense of an 'Open Access' movement this article is an appeal for making scientific publications accessible in Internet free-of-charge and worldwide without any restrictive 'permission barriers'. It presents projects and initiatives in both the United States and Germany and advocates a stronger reception of American approaches here in Germany. According to this article, 'Open Access' is the answer to the crisis scientific literature is facing, which is not only reflected in the professional journal prices, but also means that an anthology is maybe subsidised four times by local authorities, and the state then has to buy back its own research findings from commercial publishing houses. There are also thoughts about providing 'Open Access' not only for books and articles. The article closes by dealing with the resistance and barriers to this idea and deliberating possible solutions, with an emphasis on the legal framework.
Peter Helmberger: Historische Rezensionen im Internet. Entwicklung - Probleme - Chance, in: zeitenblicke 2 (2003), Nr. 2.
In the significantly increased use of the Internet for historical studies in the last few years reviews have played a special role. The article pursues the question of where the fascination of the old genre of the book review lies in the age of Internet and what developments in reviewing have taken place in the last few years. The stupendous success of electronic reviews can be explained by the fact that they can ideally use the advantages of the net. The main problems are the inadequate financial security of numerous projects, unsolved technical problems, the issue of permanent archiving and the danger of an inundation of information for the users. Finally, taking 'sehepunkte', the online review journal as an example, methods of resolution are pinpointed. Here online journals are understood as virtual spaces which make it easier for the user to find his bearings in Internet.

Alice Keller: Elektronische Zeitschriften: Entwicklungen in den verschiedenen Wissenschaftszweigen, in: zeitenblicke 2 (2003), Nr. 2.

Electronic magazines have in the meantime asserted themselves in all fields of activity and, due to their high-grade user-friendliness, are now widely accepted. However, an overview of the development of the electronic journal shows that this new medium has not been able to establish itself in all areas of expertise so easily or so quickly.
This essay deals first with an analysis of the contents of the most important pioneer projects in the 1980s and then with the trends of the 90s. All analyses differentiate between the developments in the parallel editions of print and digital journals and journals that are only available online. There is also a retrospective of digitised magazines which have made an increasing impact in the last eight years. A discussion of the significance of pure online journals rounds off the essay.

Vittorio E. Klostermann: Die Online-Zeitschrift aus der Sicht eines geisteswissenschaftlichen Verlags. Probleme und ein Lösungsmodell, in: zeitenblicke 2 (2003), Nr. 2.

This article concentrates entirely on the practical and economic issues of journals covering the humanities; media-theories are not discussed. It is seen from the perspective of a medium-sized publishing house. The first part of the article describes the current situation and the fundamental problems of online publications; the second presents an alternative model for online magazines trying to avoid these problems.
Sven Kuttner: Zwischen 'Steinzeit' und 'Zukunftswelt'. Elektronische Informationsressourcen in der geschichtswissenschaftlichen Forschung und Lehre: Eine Akzeptanzumfrage in der Teilbibliothek des Historicums der UB München und ihre Ergebnisse, in: zeitenblicke 2 (2003), Nr. 2.
A survey on the acceptance of electronic information resources carried out at the Historicum in the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich early-2002 showed that there is a great interest in electronic literature and information in the departments of History and Archaeology, even if here the print medium is still held very dear. It also showed that the Munich University library's PR work - in the form of more offensive advertising for the costly e-media sector - should be more to the fore than has been the case to date.
Volker Schallehn: Institutionelle Publikationsserver am Beispiel der UB München, in: zeitenblicke 2 (2003), Nr. 2.
Since November 2002 the University Library in Munich has been offering a publication server for all kinds of scientific publications. The report describes the genesis and concept of the project against the background of the fact that online publications are more readily received than the traditional print media.

Matthias Schnettger: Wohin führt der Weg? Fachzeitschriften im elektronischen Zeitalter, in: zeitenblicke 2 (2003), Nr. 2.

The article deals with the question of whether e-journals for the humanities could also be a way out of what we have come to call the journal crisis. Various issues are dealt with: 1. The question of cost and the role of the publishing houses; 2. Copyright and the integrity of the information offered; 3. Quality versus topicality; 4. The problem of archiving; 5. Users - also in their capacity as authors; 6. Exploitation of new possibilities.
Winfried Schulze: Zur Geschichte der Fachzeitschriften, in: zeitenblicke 2 (2003), Nr. 2.
The article spans a large spectrum between the 'classical style' periodicals and the new e-journals. First our attention is drawn to the beginnings of scientific journals which in the late 19th century were developing from university-standard periodicals to differentiated specialist bodies with a very broad offer of information. Taking the 'Historische Zeitung' as an example, the individual stations of passage of the print periodicals are traced. Do print periodicals belong to the past, are e-journals the promise of the future? The article closes with an ambivalent conclusion: Whereas the periodical crisis and technical possibilities would on the one hand seem to render e-journals as the most suitable and trendsetting medium for specialist information, traditional reception forms and scepticism towards the 'volatile' form of electronic publishing are still opposed to a broad use of such periodicals. It will take another few years before we can see to what extent this scepticism can be overcome.